Elevating Brand Experiences through the Magic of Multisensory Color Design

When creating experiences, have you REALLY thought of the impact of COLORS? Especially in customer-facing activations?


It’s easy to fall into the trap of simply following brand guidelines, using pre-determined colors, and dancing on those boundaries with a few hues that follow the creative theme. But here’s the kicker: are you really making the experience *memorable* by doing so?




What Does "Memorable" Really Mean for the Brain?


Let’s step back for a second and consider what "memorable" really means... For our human brain.

The brain doesn’t remember just any random stimulus. (How overwhelming would that be? 😅)

It clings to what’s meaningful, right?


And how do we define meaning? Emotions!

Our emotions are nothing more than the brain’s chemical reaction to sensory input. In other words, how we *feel* about our environment at a specific time determines whether an experience will stick with us. The more intense our emotions are, the more meaningful the moment becomes... And the more memorable it is! 🌈





How Colors Shape Our Experiences


Here’s a simple flow to make sense of it:

Environment 👉 sensory stimulation 👉 feelings 👉 emotions 👉 meaningful 👉 memorable.


Now, color. Oh, glorious color!

What does it have to do with all this?

Way more than you can imagine!


We already know that colors play a massive role in decision-making. In fact, 90% of buying decisions are based on colors alone! It’s the most memorable aspect of branding and is directly linked to emotional response. So why is it that we sometimes treat color as an afterthought in creating immersive, customer-focused experiences?




The Multisensory Influence of Color


Colors influence far more than just what we see—they affect our *entire sensory system*. That’s right, the colors in our environment don’t just talk to our eyes; they whisper in our ears, tickle our sense of smell, and even travel through our skin.

Our entire body is impacted by color, both outside and inside: even our endocrine system reacts to it!


But the brain doesn’t process sensory input in neat little boxes. Everything is connected. Imagine if every sense worked independently—what a bizarre and confusing world that would be! Thankfully, our brains blend these sensations, and color plays a pivotal role in shaping them.





Using Color to Shape Emotions and Behaviors


So how do we use color to elevate an experience, making it not just unique but deeply memorable? It’s all about *shaping emotions*.


By strategically designing the sensorial experience of each touch point together with the colors, we can activate emotions that drive certain behaviors, thoughts, and even physical reactions in the body.


Want your guests to feel comfortable in a social setting and more open to interaction? You want to use colors and sensory stimuli to immerse them in that narrative, in accordance with the theme! (Spoiler alert: chatgpt gets all colors wrong!)


Want them to be more focused? There are colors to facilitate concentration and enhance learning and memory skills.




Strategic Use of Color for Accessibility


And let's not forget neurodivergent individuals, who may process sensory input differently!

The right color choices can create an environment where they feel more at ease, while the wrong ones can make an experience overwhelming.

Let’s be honest—sometimes the “on-brand” colors are practically screaming at them! You may lower the volume of sound, but if the entire floor or wall are lime greens or have clashing contrasts, you’ve simply shifted the noise to a different sense. 👀


Visual input is dominant in our experience of the world—about 83% of the information our brain processes comes from sight. And even for those with visual impairments, most still have varying degrees of light and color perception. Strategic use of colors, textures, contrasts, and lights can make a world of difference for them, enhancing navigation and interaction with the environment.


So imagine even using other sensory inputs to improve their experience!




Small Changes, Big Impact


In an era where brands are shouting for attention with bold, overstimulating visuals and sounds, consider this: subtle changes in color can have a profound impact on how people feel and behave in a space.

And it isn't just about what shades we use. It's about how we use colors between them and in relation to the space:

Associations, quantities, types of contrasts, light settings, textures, materials, shades and tints, chroma, reflectancy, luminosity, etc.


Colors can facilitate social interaction, spark creativity, or help people relax.


So how do you stay true to brand guidelines while enhancing a theme and making the event truly memorable? It’s all about thoughtful combinations, using colors not just as decoration but as an emotional tool to craft an immersive, multisensory experience.


The magic happens when you match the right colors with the right sensations and emotions.

The result?

A brand experience that feels not just impressive but deeply personal and *memorable*. 

While being accessible and inclusive too!




This is the process I share in my upcoming book, "Colors & Fairy Tales: Transform Your Brand Into a Magical Experience". (You can now join the wait-list here to know when it's published!)


It’s not about just slapping colors on a product or a space. It’s about transforming the way your brand interacts with people on a deeply emotional level.


Want to elevate your experiences and make them more memorable?

Let’s create a sensorial color strategy together!  Book a call and let's see how we can create magic ✨