
Elevate Brand Experiences with Multisensory Color Design

When creating experiences, have you REALLY thought of the impact of COLOURS? Especially in customer-facing activations?
If you're simply following brand guidelines, are you really making the experience *memorable*?


Rethinking Color Use to Elevate Immersive Brand Activations

Should brand immersions be all about the brand or should they be about the audience and their perception of the brand?


Mastering Luxury Branding & Colour Strategy

I recently had a very exciting conversation with Jacky for her Brand Penthouse Podcast, where we discussed how luxury brands can differentiate in today's crowded market and create truly magical experiences by leveraging the powerful influence of colours and sensory branding.


Does Your Brand Truly Convey What You Want to Convey?

What you say is only 10% of your communication.

A holistic brand communication strategy involves a lot more!


Setting Your Wellness Brand Apart in 2024, with a More Mindful and Fun Approach!

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Scent Can Help You Grow Your Brand & Increase Recognition!

Scent perception, just any other sense, can influence buyer's decision.


This might sound weird, but as humans, we perceive the world through our senses, all of 20+ of them! (Were you taught we have 5 senses? We actually have more than 20 and at least 11 of them are key when it comes to how we perceive the world and how we make decisions!)


Millions of inputs are consistently being sent to our subconscious brain through our senses, and influence our perception of reality.

One of the strongest inputs that influence our behaviour and decision process is the smell.

This sense is the closest to our brain, and interacts directly with the chemicals... Which is probably why it has such a strong emotional impact... 



And when it comes to creating brand consistency and cohesiveness, what's better than leveraging scents for a deeper emotional journey?

And here's something that might come as a surprise: you are already doing it!

Colours are intrinsically perceived by ALL our senses, they aren't just an esthetic factor.


Beyond the psychological meaning, the energy of the colour, the spatial experience it creates, it also affects our sense of smell.


Consciously or unconsciously, you already are creating a multisensorial experience in the minds of people, and for a more congruent brand, it's definitely better to be aware of what type of experience is being created!


So let's embark on a fragrant journey into how colour harmony and contrasts influence our sense of smell and, consequently, our buying decisions. 🌸



Picture a spa painted in soothing shades of lavender and purple. The colours don't just appeal to the eyes; they also affect how we perceive the scent. The soft purple hues convey a sense of relaxation and unconsciously evoke the calming scent of lavender. The harmony creates an oasis of tranquillity where visitors feel at ease and relaxed. 🧖‍♀️


Imagine that the spa already uses lavender scent. In this case, the purple hues might reinforce the sensation and end up making the scent too strong and even overwhelming, turning into a less relaxing moment for some people.

Leveraging colours to contrast the lavender smell, can balance the sensorial perception, making the experience more balanced and pleasant.


For example, a light minty green can refresh the lavender smell, taking away that heavy edge, or adding yellow tones to contrast with a pinch of citrusy break.



Think of how the colour impacts our perception of food taste!

If you eat a vibrant red dessert, would you expect it to taste fresh and minty? If it were light green, would you expect it to taste as sweet as a marshmallow?


This fascinating dance of colours and scents impacts how buyers perceive products and make decisions. When these elements harmonize, they create a multisensory experience that lingers in memory, making the product/services more appealing.




Would you like to explore how your brand is currently being perceived?