
Elevate Brand Experiences with Multisensory Color Design

When creating experiences, have you REALLY thought of the impact of COLOURS? Especially in customer-facing activations?
If you're simply following brand guidelines, are you really making the experience *memorable*?


Rethinking Color Use to Elevate Immersive Brand Activations

Should brand immersions be all about the brand or should they be about the audience and their perception of the brand?


Mastering Luxury Branding & Colour Strategy

I recently had a very exciting conversation with Jacky for her Brand Penthouse Podcast, where we discussed how luxury brands can differentiate in today's crowded market and create truly magical experiences by leveraging the powerful influence of colours and sensory branding.


Does Your Brand Truly Convey What You Want to Convey?

What you say is only 10% of your communication.

A holistic brand communication strategy involves a lot more!


Setting Your Wellness Brand Apart in 2024, with a More Mindful and Fun Approach!

The market might be crowded, marketing tactics and social media exhausting, but there is so much power in connecting authentically with your audience, by leveraging the subconscious mind!

Let The Senses Tell The Most Powerful Brand Story...

The subconscious works in sensorial inputs and emotions.


One of the greatest hypnotherapists of all time, Erickson, understood it well and could create metaphors on the fly to remove subconscious blocks from his patients. In minutes.🤯


It’s not a coincidence that these techniques are used in therapy for the most mind-blowing results…

The understanding we have today about communicating at a deeper level, aka to the subconscious, means that we can have a massive impact, accelerate growth and results, remove blocks within minutes, improve mental well-being quicker, and… And that’s exactly what we want to do with our brand…


Conveying experiences that prime the subconscious. 🧠

Why? Well, because the subconscious makes the decisions!☝️



Now, the cool thing about being able to communicate at this level is that when you correctly understand how to use it, your brand leaps. Your events, your presence, your marketing…. Your COMMUNICATION. ✨


You bypass the critical mind, which stays at the surface… And get straight to the subconscious, imprinting your solution, your message, your brand, where it truly matters to make the change happen!


Why would you stay on the surface when your work is about DEEP transformation?🤔 (always considering ecology and ethics, first!)



Subconscious communication is about leveraging certain elements to convey to the subconscious of your audience what is possible for them, explaining complex concepts in a way they easily grasp, and making them experience firsthand what it's like to be on the “other side of the wellbeing journey”.

It’s about conveying the value and the meaning of your message at a deeper level.


You can leverage these elements to help your people understand the process and the outcome they can achieve…Do you think they’d be more willing to work with you? 👀


Right now, they think they have a problem that you know is, most likely, just a symptom…. The great thing about leveraging the subconscious is that it’s easy, fun, and reinforces your brand to such a level that you’re positioned in their mind as the go-to solution when they decide to take action. 🧠



Some shifts need to occur at a subconscious level for people to understand certain concepts and move forward in their well-being journey, there are new pieces that need to be integrated into the existing structure of the mind, the current reality, and it takes work, time, and energy. But it can happen faster through the subconscious…. ⚡


You can have a deeper impact on people by leveraging subconscious communication.


Just like any exchange and relationship, it's all about HOW you communicate.


Can you understand your neighbors if they speak an unfamiliar language to you? No…

Yet you could still understand them by the tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures, images they show you… Right?


Because we don’t communicate in words only. That’s 7% of our communication!


When your audience understands how meaningful it is for them to work with you and you position your brand in their subconscious mind, you will be the one thought that pops up when they choose to take action (and it will happen faster because we leverage those deep core values that make people WANT to take action, motivate them to be value-driven, not make them react to fear or pain!).



The power of the Subconscious is limitless!


And thanks to the knowledge (still limited, granted!) That we have today, we can make mental health happen faster, through immersive experiences that deeply involve people and help them FEEL amazing!




Would you like to explore how your brand is currently being perceived?